Monday, March 16, 2015

Techonology in the Classroom

I wanted to wait before posting a new entry until after my teaching experience over The Narrative of a Life.
Something mentioned in my previous posts was the movie production assessment project I created to go along with the novel. Something that was critical to include for this project to be a success was technology. Technology in the classroom is almost a controversial topic to some educators, and it should not surprise you that many schools are banning the use of cellphones, laptops, and tablets during all hours of the school day. My students would not be able to complete the project without the use of a smartphone or other handheld device.
Many of the arguments against technology is that students would not do their work, but do other things such a text, look at facebook, or snapchat, but the key to having success with technology in the class is to make sure students are engaged in learning.
During the planning for my part of the project, I tried to make sure this type of assessment would interest students and assess the appropriate standards. Students were advised to use their cellphones and laptops to research material that would help them with the presentation of their part of the project, whether they were casting characters, choosing locations, or picking musical pieces. Something that was awesome about giving the students opportunities to use technology was that they presented photos, and we listened to the music chosen by the students. There was not any facebook or texting going on. The students were engaged in the task that was given, and they really seemed to enjoy working together. So, this misconception about technology should not effect our students in a negative way. As teachers, we should embrace change and advancement in the classroom, and that includes embracing technology.

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