Sunday, February 22, 2015

Movie Productions with Literature!

My original idea from my latest blog has blossomed into something even bigger. After reading Frederick Douglass, I have noticed that choosing songs for the soundtrack from present day would be difficult. However, if students could embellish with scenes from Frederick Douglass, like his ship journeys, those scenes in a movie would be longer than in the book, so a song could be placed while on the ship. These embellished scenes would open the door for a song choice whether it is a current or not. Another thing students could look for is songs from the time. Popular compositions or folk songs that would be fitting during some parts of the book. There is actually a slave spiritual that is in the book that would be an excellent addition.
However, a soundtrack is not the only idea I have. This had turned into the students creating an entire movie production. They would pick songs pieces and explain where these pieces fit, filming locations, and casting of characters. Part of the book takes place in Baltimore, but just saying Baltimore would not be sufficient. The student would probably have to have a set built for that part of the movie, but what would it look like? Students can draw or find a picture similar to how these scenes will look. They could find pictures of old plantation houses in Maryland for the scenes at the different farms. This is a great way for students to understand the setting of the book.
Also, students will cast characters of their choice. They could cast the prologue narrator or Frederick Douglass at the age of 7, 12, and 28. All those castings would be considered different, and the student would need to cast at least 5 characters (I'm just throwing out a number). One thing students would need to be aware of is the race of each of these characters. Channing Tatum cannot play Frederick Douglass. This is a great way for students to analyze characters.
I think this final assessment really allows students to dive into the literature and analyze all aspects of life during this time period. Now, I have to think about how to organize this for my final activity and presentation!!

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